Sunday, March 26, 2006

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

sniper in the sights

crushing wind
laughing without feeling
hear the snakes rattle around my neck
I heard the other day that things will get better
snafoo! karate chop your fucking head off!
blistered atmosphere
the worlds going to spin out of orbit at any second
take the dog outside before the ice age begins again
snorkling belongs next to polo above the money pit
fires begin when no ones looking
destroy when nobody does nothing.
burn mother fucker!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


If it were love I was looking for,
I would have found it.
If I were to try and remember death,
I'd forget.
One thing is for certain,
and it's got a hand on my foot,
Your not going anywhere without anybody.
Still I'm surrounded by time growing slowly.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Simple synphony

I am the black elephant.
I have come for you and your children.
summer has flowers with broken dreams.
I am sage.
The color remains.
While heaven blows the wind up, up and futher up.
Witness the battle between times past and future.
I will.
But still I desire present.
shadows fall to the dawn,
and submit thier dark shade,
to be spent another night.
I care for you.....dearly.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

kickin the kack

bounce eternity bounce.
I see your wavy hair and I am jelous,
for mine is gone and our soup has turned cold.
Blemished Eyes,
Soiled Brow,
and a small feeling of regret,
to comfort your abyss.
I miss you infinite.