Wednesday, November 02, 2005

send a message that sequences your smiles to the rain

Squeeze a sneeze, for once it came without coersion. Figure dressed in yesterday told me that today would drift off coarse and return one day with an outlook that could save the world. It's about 8 o'clock somewhere and 6 here, and still no sign of a hopefull recovery. Bouncing off the walls, building a city with whimpers and tears. Vicious bicycles ride around town untill the moon comes to drive them away. Steer clear of this ice burge, language limps and stutters along with my lips. But I'm still waiting for you, waiting for the devotion that will crumble this shell. Change the print, put it in symbols that will outlast me and you and our nonexsistence. I had it. I lost it. It found me again, and I ran.