Saturday, October 08, 2005

some say green is the loneliest color

hey all you bleeders. check out to get to the first one fast fast fast. Don't forget that last one. some little tip to get you to the otherside....mmmmm..........yes, JUMP! Stop, stomp the ground till it says uncle. Can you tell me the last time I went to the eastside? tree, tree, tree, years b 4 we swam at light speed, bend it. BoOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM, it's Holloween, I'm scared cuz I saw the end, it was colored in a swarm of earths, sinking fast into the ether. If there was one, which there was on(c)e. I forgot it or maybe I never knew it 2 b gin with. Thisssssss stinks of the oily mess, nothin but hot air here. Breathe it in, it'll make you like a hot air balloon............HIGHer than six 777777's! mmmmmoooooooobbbbbbb's commin to take your women and children, to take your only son and money. Don't call me sunny, on a cloudy day, my girl. Next step this fall is to get up and go, why taken so slow? This is the intro to me wildly confusin, crusin through space in time, oh look how I rhythm, don't got a dime to me name, ain't no game every blog is the same, pushin some dame, man this rhythm is lame, what the $#$% am I sayin don't know, i gotta go see santa ho ho