Sunday, July 17, 2005

Great book about the theology of Evolution!!!!!

I'm reading this facinating book right now and it is perty sweet. So check it out especially all you up tight fundys. I was just reading some of my previous posts and my god, I can not punktuate, or spell to save my life. But like I said in a previous post it is simply because I am too postmodern for the rest of the world:) Nothing really interesting going on in my life at the moment other that my wine and cheese party goin on this evening. I've latley been kinda gearing up to move out. On that note let it be known that I hate moving. It is such a hassle. I move on average every 6 months and the one thing I appreciate is that every time I move I lose approx one tenth of all my stuff, either cuz I don't want to move the damn thing, or I just forget, or throw it away on accident. I look at it like my tithe:) Oh and in older news I don't think that I mentioned that I got a Sony PSP. (Chad I bet your ssssssoooooo jealous :) ) It is the best purchase of my life better than food. I mean even the Bible says you shouldn't live on bread alone.............and when you can't afford bread, because you bought a sweet ass PSP, somehow the pulsing electronic soundtrack of Ridge Racer is louder than the growls of your bellly. Oh and sorry for all of the obscenities and misspelled words.

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