Friday, July 15, 2005

Cheese Fricken Party!

Como suple Vuh, all you french bitches! I'm having a wine and cheese party on sun. at 5pm and everyone is invited. It is to be a simply marvalous event, hosted my myself and my good friend Sara D. Good times are guaranteed by all......and if you notice your not having a good time then you can drink more:) Anyway other than that, my new anouncements thus far are that I'm going to be moving in with a couple swell friends of mine until I can find a house to purchase. Looking for something under $100,000 close to US127, any suggestions let me know. Went to my dad's bible study the other night and got ridiculed for not believing we're going to heaven when we die. That was interesting, especially when one of the guys read the verse in I think I Timothy about not believing in strange teachings. And then I brought up the fact that he was twisting the Bible around and back in forth it went. But it might have done some good, afterwards one of the guys that wasn't talking at all comented on how this was the first nonconforming bible study they've had. I'm such a heathen:) O well, sorry for being honest and asking questions. Peace

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