Sunday, October 16, 2005

can I really be serious about none

I'm am and I will, as soon as you leave and with that drum slid under your coat. yeah I saw it and it's staying here you thieving derilect! redirect this phrase to be something more happy somthing more along the lines of, relaxationa and no responsiblity, hmmmm seems nice if only it weren't so out of sync with reality. stand on the white lines of the road and click your heels three times saying a "hail mary". Full of grace if I weren't so full of space and emptieness, but it gets my clothes dry and that's all that matters in this crazy fucked up world. I thought about what it was to BE, but then I got sidetracked and thought about what it would be like to not BE. and then I went to the fridge to get an ice cream treat, but I'm still and all the vagueness of glory and wonder, left to ponder sound.

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