Sunday, June 26, 2005

What a weekend!

This weekend was amazing. I meet with my friend from Toronto, Christina and Dean L. at the Irish Pub. Enjoyed some very good theology over ale:) After that I went to the last party at the Seymour house, so sad. There I drank too much and meet some very cool people. This couple I met were especially cool. We talked about spirituality and I explained my constantly evolving view of Christ. They seemed to really enjoy this alternative perspective of the "christianity" they had heard before. They were such an encouragement to me because they were interested in spiritual things, which is something you don't see much anymore. Most people are interested either, in opposing anything religious or spiritual, or being simply religious and fake. I find myself sometimes swinging between these extremes, God help me. But anyway all in all it was a tremendous weekend, besides trying to recover from a night of heavy drinking:) Peace people

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