Thursday, June 30, 2005

dreams/reality; Case in point

Ok weird thing. Last night I had a dream of this girl, Kristin, that I went to England with last year. I dreamt that I went over to her house and talked with her and her parents. Today I took my lunch break early for no reason and went to the book store. While I was reading a book I hear someone say, "Mike", "hey Mike". And who is it, but Kristin's mom! Very weird. This type of shit happens all the time, and it has no meaning other than coinsidence I quess. Anyway my sis graduated from Douglas J Salon today and I'm very proud of her. I'm on my way out the door right now so peace party people!!!!!!

between faith and fantasy

Where am I? Who am I? this is the question that has been on my mind the last couple mornings, in those waking minutes between dreams and whatever this is. It seems to me that I have been so bent on making my faith logical or proving to myself why I believe what I believe, that I have forgotten how little is truely logical. I've been reading the bible and really getting caught up in the stories of our great God and the people he loves, and what a whore the people he loves are.....none the less he loves anyway. These stories seem real to me, just as my life seems real to me but I have such a loose hold on it all. Imagination and fantasy are harder than you thing to seperate from reality. I find freedom here in loosing my fake control on my world and leaving it up to my God's dreams.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Apple's new iProduct

This is halarious!!!!!1

Great podcast!

This is pretty cool! Makes me want to go out and buy a PSP. If anyone reading this would like to buy me one I would be forever indebted:)

What a weekend!

This weekend was amazing. I meet with my friend from Toronto, Christina and Dean L. at the Irish Pub. Enjoyed some very good theology over ale:) After that I went to the last party at the Seymour house, so sad. There I drank too much and meet some very cool people. This couple I met were especially cool. We talked about spirituality and I explained my constantly evolving view of Christ. They seemed to really enjoy this alternative perspective of the "christianity" they had heard before. They were such an encouragement to me because they were interested in spiritual things, which is something you don't see much anymore. Most people are interested either, in opposing anything religious or spiritual, or being simply religious and fake. I find myself sometimes swinging between these extremes, God help me. But anyway all in all it was a tremendous weekend, besides trying to recover from a night of heavy drinking:) Peace people

Friday, June 24, 2005

No title

Listening to Sufjen Stevens new album it is truly beautiful. I've been listening to N.T. Wright all day at work, my brain is smushed with things to ponder. No matter how many times I listen to his lectures I get something new out of them. Met with my parents missionary friend from Niger yesterday. Boy did he have some interesting stories. There culture is so different over there. Apparently from what he was saying, the mission organization struggles to find trustworthy people to work within the organization because in their culture if there is some money sitting around and they have a relative that is sick and in need of medical services they will just take the money to pay for it, even though the money does not belong to them. The mission organization sees this as immoral, but I've been thinking that since morals vary from culture to culture, how right is our "western-Christian" morals? Are they superior to morals in a Muslim nation? Or a Hindu nation? Etc. I think the problem that arises in poorer nations is possibly their lack of understanding/respect when it comes to ownership. But is ownership Biblical? Aren't we taught to share liberally? ie. if someone asks for the coat off your back give them your shirt as well etc. What did Jesus own? What did the apostles own? I realize that we live in different cultures but think about the underlying ideology off property and ownership. It's me trusting in my possessions, looking to what I have as some form of identity. I am in no way justifying stealing but if Christ's Kingdom principles were implemented we would have no reason to "steal" and if someone did "steal" from us it would make little or no difference, because if they needed it we would give it anyway. In the Nigerian culture if someone needs a tool, money, food, etc. he'll ask you for it and your obligated to give it. The missionary described them as not seeing longterm solutions to problems, but only immediate ones (ie. the example above with the money). He said this is why it is hard for the culture to "get ahead", because commerce in our western culture requires "ownership", "property" etc. Without these "getting ahead" financially is impossible, but is that so bad?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

My cool sister

Coffee with Lu

Always great to see Lu. She is one of my dearest friends......lovely...yes lovely.:)

My lovely friend lu

Walter Brueggemann Speech!!!!!!

Walter is the man!

Finished Moving!!! Thank Jesus!

I just finished moving my mom and her four kids into their new apt. Thanx to my friend Josh we blew all the stuff out of the Uhaul in like 2 hours. Other than that I'm just gearing up to move to Grand Rapids and start school at Calvin College in Aug. Debating between pschology and religious studies. I'm going to try and visit with my friend Dean and Lydia in G.R. tomorrow (my spelling rules:)) I downloaded some new Imogen Heap last week and it is sweet sweet ear candy:) Has anybody checked out Bjorks new project yet? It's sooooo beautifully scary. I still wonder if anyone is reading this shit:) TTFN

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Bjork's new project

Check out Bjork's new project.
Super stoked!!!!!

Yes lord ?

The greatest chorus ever

I've decided the greatest chorus yet is "I'm Shakin" by Rooney. Let me just sing a bar for all of you....."I'm sha sha shakin sha shakin, I'm sha sha shakin sha shakin I'm sha sha shakin I'm shakin"..........Genius. Other than that random thought, I was thinking about the critics of Emergent, and I've decided that I think critics should be welcomed, and I'll tell you why. Most people I talk to about Emergent, don't know what the hell I'm talking about (Most of these people are conservative evengelicals mind you). So I think any critiques about Emergent within the "church" circles, even if it's percieved as "bad", is a good thing. Good because it lets people within these churches who may be wrestling with questions about theology, "doing church", etc. know that their not alone. I would like to thank my dad and Brian for a very stimulating exchange of theological ideas the other night. I'm going to be moving up to Grand Rapids in August to go to school at Calvin College. I'll be studying either pre-seminary, or pschology. I'm very excited especially to live with my friend and mentor Dean L. That does it for today. Peace

Friday, June 17, 2005

First post!!!!!!!!

This is my first venture into the "blogging" world. I see this as an exercise in futility because I probably won't continue to write on this time devouring medium. But hopefully with the couple people who might stumble across this monstrosity, I will be able to perpetuate my random nonsensical ideas. Peace in the big wide world.