Saturday, February 25, 2006

The reason I forgot was lost on me

posting: this
settings: are on
template: to copy
what was that tree of a trunk that I drunk and ate when I was 17 I forget again.
That's where I was. I was there. I was.
me that's who
pass it on. pass out. pass the gravy.
clean the closet when watches wait patiently, esspecially during snowfall
en over the yellow brick road. Click Click Click Home there is no place so be thankful where you are.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Knife

Check it! The Knife kicks assssssss!!!!!!!!

Once beyond reason, desperation takes over

I am lost
I am thinking that the edge of my power as a human has been reached.
Logic you've been fun while you lasted but you got me nowhere.
In a desperate state, I desire to exsist.
I am finite
I wish to be more.
I cry out, for "the other".